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………………………. LIMITED
Minutes of the ……… Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Company held on ………….. at …...30 a.m. in …………………….. Limited, ……………………
Directors Present:
Sl No.
| ||
Managing Director
In Attendance
………………………………….. Company Secretary
Members / Proxies
Members present in person :
Proxies present :
………………..i, Chairman took the chair and welcomed the Shareholders to the ………….. Annual General Meeting. After ascertaining that the requisite quorum for the meeting was present, the Company Secretary called the meeting to order.
Thereafter, with the consent of the Shareholders, the Chairman’s speech which was circulated to the Members along with the Annual Report was taken as read.
With the consent of the Shareholders, the Notice of the Meeting was taken as read. With the permission of the Members, the Auditors’ Report on the financial statements of the Company for the year ended 30th June …………. was taken as read.
The following business was transacted thereafter:
Agenda no. 01 To receive and adopt the accounts for the year ended on June 30, ……… and Auditors’ Report thereon.
The audited annual accounts and other relevant information were placed before the meeting for approval and adoption. After threadbare discussion the Directors and shareholders considered the Statement of Comprehensive Income for the year ended 30th June ………., Statement of Financial Position on that date and the Auditors’ Report thereon. In this respect, a resolution with the permission of Chairman was forwarded to the meeting. Mr. …………….. proposed and Mr. ………… seconded that the following resolution to be passed as an ordinary resolution:
“RESOLVED THAT the Statement of Comprehensive Income for the year ended 30th June ……………… Statement of Financial Position on that date and the Auditors’ Report thereon be and is hereby approved and adopted.”
The Company Secretary took the resolution for voting and the resolution was passed unanimously.
Agenda 02 To approve the Directors report
The Annual Reports of the Directors under section 184 of the company Act was placed before the meeting for approval. In this respect, the resolution with the permission of Chairman was forward by the Company Secretary to the meeting. Mr. …………… proposed and Mr. …………….. Ahmed seconded that the following resolution be passed as an ordinary resolution:
“RESOLVED THAT the Directors’ Report of the year ………… is hereby approved and adopted unanimously.”
The Secretary took the resolution for voting and the resolution was passed unanimously.
Agenda 03 To elect Directors in place of those retiring
The matter concerning retiring and reappointment of ………………, Director of the Company were placed before the Meeting for its consideration and approval. The resolution with the permission of Chairman was forward to the meeting. ……………………. proposed and Mr. …………………….. seconded that the following resolution be passed as an ordinary resolution:
“RESOLVED THAT Mr……………………………. who retires by rotation and being eligible for re-appointment, be and is hereby re-appointed as Director of the Company.”
The Secretary took the resolution for voting and the resolution was passed unanimously.
Agenda 04 To appoint Auditors and fix their remuneration
Chairman accorded permission to the Company Secretary to place in the meeting. The issue for reappoint and fix the remuneration of Auditors were placed before the meeting for consideration and approval. The proposal for reappointment of the C.A. firm named …………………………. Co. for the year of ……………………….. of the Company was placed in the meeting by the Company Secretary with permission of the Chairman. A resolution is in this regard was forwarded. Mr. ……………………… proposed and Mr. ………………………. seconded that the following resolution be passed as an ordinary resolution:
“RESOLVED THAT ……………………….. Co., C.A. firm be and is hereby re-appointed as Auditor of the Company for the year …………… and the remuneration was fixed at Tk. …………………. “
The Secretary took the resolution for voting and the resolution was passed unanimously.
The Company Secretary took the resolution for voting and the resolution was passed unanimously.
As there is no other business to be transacted the meeting was concluded with vote of thanks to the chair.
Dated Dhaka, ……………….
The ……… Day of Chairman
…………., 20………….
By Md. Forhad Hossain
Managing Director
Mobile: +088 01914444795, +880 01790220729
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